Best Paleo Pancakes Recipe For Easter Day 2024

In addition to being light and fluffy, these paleo pancakes are the ideal breakfast option for the weekend.


DRY INGREDIENTS ½ cup almond flour ⅓ cup tapioca flour ¼ cup coconut flour ½ teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon salt WET INGREDIENTS 4 large egg ¼ cup almond milk 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ghee, butter or coconut oil to coat skillet

In a bowl, combine all of the dry ingredients by whisking them together.

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Whisk all liquids in a separate bowl. Mix the liquid and dry ingredients until they are well combined.

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Ghee, butter, or coconut oil should be used to coat a skillet or griddle before adding it to a medium-high heat setting.

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The batter should be spooned into the griddle, and the pancakes should have a diameter of around three to four inches. 

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They are much simpler to flip when they are little. Wait for them to fry for two to three minutes on one side, then flip them over and continue cooking for another one to two minutes.

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As soon as possible, serve with maple syrup, bananas, and any other toppings you like.

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Paleo Blueberry Muffins (Healthy Blueberry Muffins) Recipe For Easter Day 2024