Easy Resurrection Rolls Recipe

Resurrection Made Easy Family stories about Easter can be told to kids over cinnamon sugar rolls, which are also a tasty treat.


– 1 can refrigerated crescent roll – 8 marshmallow – 4 Tablespoons butter – 2 teaspoons cinnamon – 3 Tablespoons sugar


Warm the oven up to 375 degrees. Melt the butter in a small, flat dish. Add the sugar and cinnamon to a second small dish and mix them together.

Step 1

Spread out crescents and cut them in half along the holes. First dip a marshmallow in the butter, then in the cinnamon sugar mix. Finally, put the marshmallow in the middle of the circle.  

Step 2

Fold the top two corners in, and then roll the circle up to the thin end. Make sure there are no holes in the edges and seal them up really well. Do it again with the rest of the marshmallows and crescents.

Step 3

Place the crescents on a baking sheet with a lip and parchment paper on the bottom. If you want, you can brush the tops of the crescents with the mixture of the rest of the butter and cinnamon sugar.  

Step 4

Put them in the oven and bake for 11 to 13 minutes, or until they are puffy and light golden brown. Let it cool down a bit before you serve it.

Step 5

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