Chunky Avocado Dip Recipe

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Chunky Avocado Dip Recipe:- It is a wonderful way to add some colour and flavour to a meal to have a huge bowl of chunky avocado salsa. We like it best when it is served as a side salad or as a nutritious complement to a spread of chips and dip. Deliciously bursting with a variety of fresh flavours and a breeze to prepare.




Chunky Avocado Dip Recipe

overhead image of white bowl filled with chunky avocado salsa






An easy avocado salsa recipe

To tell you the truth, I have no idea whether or not this dish is legitimate, nor do I know whether or not avocado salsa is something that is usually offered in Mexico. My knowledge of Mexican cuisine comes from either a) foodie television shows, b) the Internet, or c) my favourite Mexican restaurant. I have never gone to Mexico in my life, and all I know about Mexican cuisine comes from these three sources.


The only thing I am aware of is that this is the deliciously spiced-up companion of my Avocado Cucumber Tomato Salad, and it is also the way that I transform corn chips into a dinner that is acceptable when I am not in the mood for guacamole. In addition, the fact that a recipe is delicious is sometimes the most important thing to me, but if you have any comments or suggestions regarding the authenticity of the dish, I would be very eager to hear them!





  • 3 avocados peeled, pitted and diced
  • 4 small-medium tomatoes diced
  • 1 red onion finely chopped
  • 1 bunch cilantro chopped
  • 2 Jalapeños de-seeded if desired, finely chopped
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup lime juice
  • salt & pepper to taste






  • Add avocados, tomatoes, red onion, cilantro and Jalapeños to a medium-large bowl.
  • Combine olive oil, lime juice, salt and pepper in a small jar or measuring jug. Pour over salad ingredients in the bowl, then carefully stir to toss and combine.
  • Serve immediately.



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Ingredient notes

  • Avocados: You need avocados that are ripe, but still firm enough to be diced for this recipe. I try to get ones that give a little when gently cupped in your hand, but that don’t feel very soft. I also always buy one or two extra, because avocados are temperamental and you have to be so lucky to buy some and have all of them be edible.
  • Tomatoes: You can pretty much use any tomato variety, including cherry tomatoes (just quarter them). I find cutting cherry tomatoes a pain, so I just use regular ones. Roma tomatoes are really delicious, too, just make sure to scoop out some of the seeds if they hold a lot inside.
  • Cilantro: If you’re cilantro-averse, just use flat leaf parsley. I do this swap all the time, because I’m the only family member who enjoys the taste of cilantro. I’ll just chop up some cilantro for myself and use it right on my plate if I want to bother.
  • Jalapeños: My children are very young and do not tolerate any kind of spicy food. I will often use a mild green chile variety I find at an international grocery store. I have no idea what they’re called, but they essentially taste like a sharper green bell pepper. It’s a great compromise to get some more flavor while the kids can eat the dish, too. But I will again often slice some Jalapeño and my husband and I will add it to our portion of the salsa.
  • Red onion/lime juice: These two are my personal non-negotiables in this salsa. They really make the dish and I would encourage you to make no substitutes.



Recipe tips

Flavor variations

  • Spices – add a pinch of ground cumin for some extra flavor! Shhhh… I often throw in a teaspoon of Taco seasoning!
  • Garlic – finely mince a clove of garlic and stir it into the olive oil and lime juice before adding to the salsa.
  • Chunky or smaller diced – I like a chunky salsa, but feel free to dice everything smaller for a more easily dippable/scoopable salsa at a gathering.
  • Bulk it up – add a can of rinsed black beans or chickpeas to the salsa to make it heartier!





I have tried storing leftovers in the fridge in several different ways – adding extra dressing to prevent browning, storing in a flat dish vs a bowl… And I have to say: I really didn’t like the salsa leftovers however I stored it.


The texture of the avocado paired with the cilantro just didn’t cut it for me after sitting in the fridge for a few hours. Feel free to try for yourself, maybe it won’t bother you. But generally, I recommend you rather cut the recipe in half vs making extra to have leftovers.



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