Healthy Creamy Shrimp Pappardelle Recipe – Learn Like A Pro

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Healthy Creamy Shrimp Pappardelle Recipe – Learn Like A Pro:-We would like to take this time to extend a warm welcome to you as you embark on our culinary journey. In this meal, we blend the luxurious qualities of creamy pasta with the succulent qualities of shrimp to create a dish that not only delights the senses of taste but also calms the spirit. 


Healthy Creamy Shrimp Pappardelle Recipe – Learn Like A Pro

Within the constraints of this recipe, we will guide you through the process of producing a shrimp pappardelle that is both scrumptious and creamy, and that effortlessly finds a balance between the many flavours and textures. There is a good chance that this recipe will wow you, regardless of whether you are a seasoned home cook or are just starting out on your adventure into the world of culinary arts.



Let’s start by gathering the ingredients for our creamy shrimp pappardelle:

  • 350g of pappardelle pasta
  • 400g of fresh shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 1 cup of cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1 cup of baby spinach leaves
  • 1 cup of heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh parsley, chopped (for garnish)
  • Lemon wedges (optional, for serving)



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Ensure that the following are done before placing the pasta in the oven


  • Utilising a large saucepan that is filled with water that has been seasoned, bring the water to a boil at the appropriate temperature.
    In accordance with the instructions provided on the package, continue cooking the pappardelle pasta until it reaches the al dente stage after you have added it. The instructions that are printed on the packaging should be followed in order to ensure that this is done correctly.
  • Immediately after the cooking procedure is over, the pasta needs to be drained and then put to the side. Before cooking the pasta, it is also important to put aside one cup of the water that was used to prepare the pasta. This should be done before the pasta is cooked.
    In the meantime, the shrimp are being cooked in oil on a sauté pan.




  • To ensure that the best possible outcomes are achieved, it is suggested that the olive oil be heated in a large pan that is situated over a heat setting that is somewhere in the middle.Following about two to three minutes, you should add the garlic that has been minced as well as the onion that has been diced via the process. Continue to sauté the mixture over high heat until the onion turns translucent and emits a pleasant aroma.
    After the shrimp have been placed in the skillet that has been heated, they should be sautéed for roughly two to three minutes on each side. It is recommended that you continue doing this if you want the shrimp to become pink and become opaque.By the time you have determined that the shrimp have reached the level of doneness that you think to be satisfactory, you should take them out of the skillet and lay them aside.



The production of the sauce can be found by combining the following components in the following order


  • It is recommended that the young spinach leaves and cherry tomatoes that have been cut in half be put to the same skillet. For optimal results, it is recommended to make use of the combination of these two components.
  • In approximately two to three minutes of cooking, the tomatoes should start to melt and release their juices, and the spinach should start to wilt. Both of these things should happen simultaneously. Ideally, both of these components should take place at the same time. At the same time, it is anticipated that each of these occurrences will take place simultaneously.




  • Immediately following the addition of the heavy cream, the mixture ought to be stirred in order to guarantee that all of the components are sufficiently mixed together.Over the course of a few minutes, it is recommended that the cream be allowed to boil at a low temperature. This should be done until the cream reaches a particular amount of thickening. It is because of this that the cream will be able to achieve the desired consistency.
  • The recommended approach involves incorporating grated Parmesan cheese into the sauce in a circular motion throughout the duration of the process until the cheese melts and the sauce turns creamy. If you want the cheese to be completely melted, you should keep doing what you are doing.
  • It is recommended that salt and pepper be added to the sauce; however, the amount of salt and pepper that you make use of will be chosen by your own personal preferences.

It is recommended that the Pasta and the Sauce be combined in a same container by the following


  • As soon as the pappardelle pasta has reached the desired level of doneness, incorporate it into the skillet alongside the creamy sauce. It is recommended that this step be carried out after the cooking process has been finished fully.
  • It is recommended that the spaghetti be gently stirred in the sauce before it is served. This will ensure that the sauce is distributed evenly over the pasta before it is served. A very small amount of the pasta water that was set aside can be added to the sauce in order to modify its consistency and make it easier to deal with. In the case that it is necessary, this is something that is suggested.




  • After you have finished the procedures that are necessary to ensure that the pasta is sufficiently covered, you should next return the shrimp that has been cooked to the skillet and mix everything together so that the shrimp are included into the mixture.



meals and beverages that are garnished with the following varieties


  • Immediately after the cream has been drizzled over the shrimp pappardelle, it should be moved to a large platter or plates that are employed for the purpose of serving.If you want to give your dish a burst of freshness and a dash of colour, it is recommended that you garnish it with parsley that has been freshly cut. This also adds a splash of colour.Serving the pasta with lemon wedges on the side is something I would recommend doing as soon as it is possible to do so, rather than waiting until later. In the event that you think it would be appropriate, you will have the opportunity to squeeze the lemon juice over the pasta that has just been cooked.




As a result, you now have a dish that is both indulgent and comforting, as it combines the opulence of creamy pasta with the delectable flavour of juicy shrimp. If you are looking for a dish that will satisfy your urge for a cosy meal or if you are cooking for a special event, this creamy shrimp pappardelle is sure to be a hit. Enjoy each and every bite of this decadent pasta meal that is also incredibly simple to prepare!






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