Classic Broccoli Salad Recipe For Easter Day 2024

When you make this broccoli salad, you'll always enjoy it. For meal prep or any holiday party, this salad will last for a long time. 


BROCCOLI SALAD 8 slices bacon 5 cups broccoli florets (from 1 large head of broccoli) ⅓ cup diced red onion ½ cup dried unsweetened cranberrie ½ cup sunflower seed ¼ cup crumbled goat cheese BROCCOLI SALAD DRESSING ½ cup mayonnaise ¼ cup plain yogurt

Get the bacon ready. Warm the oven up to 200°C/400°F. Place the bacon slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

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Bake bacon for 15–18 minutes until crispy. Remove the bacon from the oven before drying and cooling it on a paper towel-lined dish.

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Put everything in a bowl. Combine goat cheese, broccoli, red onion, cranberries, and sunflower seeds in a large bowl. 

Crumble the bacon on top when it's cool enough to touch.Put the yoghurt and mayonnaise in a small bowl and mix them together to make the dressing.

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The sauce should be added to the broccoli salad as it is being mixed, and then everything should be stirred together.

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Also See

Cobb Salad Recipe For Easter Day 2024